Initial registration of a player in a club in the EF Union

To begin with, you must register your child in the club, create an account in the ERIS system. This can be done by logging in with an ID-card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID.   - вход в электронную среду Футбольного Союза











Select "Loo enda konto" if you are a player yourself or "Loo lapse konto" if you are a parent or legal guardian.

Next, enter the child's isikucode

Fill in all the required fields, attach a photo of the child, then save (salvesta)

If you are already logged in, activate the "Mängija" (player) button on the left. After that, find the "Lisa roll" cell on the right next to your last name and personal code. Hover the cursor arrow, a window with the names of the commands will open;

Select the club your child is in. Our club: Sillamäe JK DINA. then save or confirm

After that, the club will receive a notification about the application of a new player and then the club will confirm and then you can pay for the license and play in the Estonian Championship


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Noorus ID kutseharidus EJL
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Official website of the football club "Dina"
© 2012 All rights reserved  nikolai1000
Website creation Sillamäe JK DINA